CRELES Documentation


CRELES Pre-1945


Wave 1 (2005)


  • Detailed description of CRELES Pre-1945 sampling and methodology English

Wave 2 (2007)


  • Detailed description of CRELES Pre-1945 sampling and methodology wave 2 English


Wave 3 (2009)


  • Detailed description of CRELES Pre-1945 sampling and methodology wave 3 English



CRELES 1945-1955 Retirement Cohort




Wave 1 (2010)

  • Detailed description of CRELES Retirement Cohort methodology English


Wave 2 (2012)



CRELES Telomere Data


  • CRELES-LTL. Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study, all cohorts. Leukocyte Telomere Length( LTL). Documentation and codebook. English